Schisandra, Official (Schisandra chinensis), packet of 20 seeds
Family: Magnolia (Magnoliaceae)
Hardy to Zones 4 to 8
(Wu-wei-zi) Perennial woody vine. Native to Manchuria, northeastern China and Japan. The odoriferous pink or white flowers give way to bright red fruit which droops down in clusters from the vine. This is known as the many-flavored berry. The taste is sour. Traditional usage (TCM): appetite stimulant, immune-enhancement. Vine prefers moist soils and dappled shade, and really prefers to sprangle on the ground instead of climbing a trellis. Some people scarify the seeds before planting but I find this to be unnecessary. Soak seeds in water overnight before planting. Give 30 days warm (70 to 80 degrees F), then 30 days cold (40 degrees F), then plant in cool shade–requires oscillating temperatures for germination. Light is fine. Protect flats from birds, which like to eat the germinating seeds. Protect the seedlings from mice, which like to chew the bark. Work seedlings up in pots and transplant once sufficiently well-established to survive the rigors of the landscape. Space 3 feet apart.
Packet contains 20 seeds
Open Pollinated, Untreated, NO GMO’s
In stock
Gareth Graff –
Very Viable
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Olga Buettner (verified owner) –
I had a good result with propagating these seeds as below: 1) soaking seeds in water for 4 days; 2) fill an empty apple sauce cup with barely damp peat moss, add seeds, cover with damp peat moss, and place this cup inside of a zipped plastic bag. Keep at room temperature for 30 days; 3) move the bag (make sure the peat moss is still damp) on a top shelf of a refrigerator (4-5 C) for another 30 days; 4) move the bag inside of a vegetable drawer of your refrigerator (10C). Check for broken seed coat after 2 weeks and when the seed coat is broken, plant at room temperature.
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