Plants will ship early June 🙂

Rapunzel [RAMPION] (Campanula rapunculus), potted plant, organic


Family:  Bellflower (Campanulaceae)

Biennial hardy to Zones 4 to 8

(Rampion) Native to Europe, the plant is soft-leaved and edible in the first year, making a crunchily delicious taproot, as well.  In the second year, the plant flowers to 3 feet, with showy lavender bell-shaped blossoms.  This self-fertile lovely goes readily to seed and will self-seed in the right conditions.  The leaves are soft, sweet and good to eat. The root is white, crunchy and tastes like a very mild radish.  In all, the plant has a wild taste, similar I would say to the taste of arugala.   In the fairytale, Rapunzel’s mother hankered for the root of this plant.  In other renderings, the plant is considered to be something of a peephole between the worlds of normalcy and phantasm.  The plant prefers rich, moist sandy loam of open garden or meadow and does best when partially shaded.  Space plants 2 to 3 feet apart.

Potted plant certified organically grown

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