Gypsywort (Lycopus europaeus), packet of 100 seeds, organic
Family: Â Mint (Lamiaceae)
Hardy to Zones 4 to 9
(Gipsywort, Bugleweed) Rhizomatous herbaceous perennial native to Europe, flowering inconspicuously white to a height of 2 feet. Strangely and enticingly aromatic.  Traditional usage (TWM): thyroid malfunction.  Of the several species available, we actually prefer this one as it gives a better yield. Plant prefers moist, poorly draining ground and full sun to part shade. Sow seed in early spring on surface and press in–these seeds will float, so water gently. Keep evenly moist, in the light and in a place where temperatures oscillate–unheated greenhouse, shadehouse, cold frame, etc. until germination, which occurs in a week or two.  Work plants up to a sufficient size before transplanting to landscape.  These tend to dig in and spread when given plenty of water.  Gravel mulch can be very helpful. Space plants 2 feet apart.
100 seeds/pkt., Certified Organically Grown
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Mike –
How tall do these grow? And, medicinally, do you use the root of the leaf?
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Richo Cech –
hi mike, thanks for wanting to know more about gypsywort. it is the dried leaf that is traditionally employed for making the tincture or tea. Much stronger when done with dried herb vs fresh. Flowers inconspicuously white to a height of 2 feet. richo
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