Plants will ship late March – early April 🙂

Navajo Tea (Thelesperma filifolium), potted plant, organic


Family:  Aster (Asteraceae)

Annual or overwintering annual, 60 to 120 days

(Cota, Hopi Tea, Greenthread)  Flowering plant to 16 inches tall, native to the American Southwest, the Great Plains and the Gulf States.  Thin, almost grasslike leaves typify this wayside weed that grows in full sun in dry, sandy, clay, and rocky soils.  Will tolerate elevation and alkalinity.  The herb is collected, dried, bundled and made into a smoky, delicious-tasting beverage.  It is also a dyeplant, producing colors ranging from yellow, to rust, to orange.  In a traditional setting (native american), the several species of greenthread are used interchangeably as tea herbs, being tasty, slightly diuretic and kind to the stomach.  Traditional use:  blood purification, antiinflammatory, similar in activity to the herb Bidens pilosula.  Space plants 1 to 2 feet apart.

Potted plant, certified organically grown

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