Plants will ship early June 🙂

Mountain Beebalm (Monardella odoratissima), potted plant, organic


Family:  Mint (Lamiaceae)

Perennial, Hardy to Zones 3 to 9

(Coyote Mint) (errata:  this was incorrectly listed as “Oregano de la Sierra” which is Monarda menthifolia, a different plant)  Perennial miniature woody subshrub native to North America, occurring from northern California to Washington.  Flowers lavender in showy globular whorls, sometimes as many as 3 to a stem, to 18 inches tall.  Traditional use (TNAM): Stomachic, febrifuge, itchy eyes.  Does well on a dry, rocky and sunny exposure–scree slopes, path, roadside or full-sun garden bed. The leaves give off a bright pennyroyal fragrance.  They attract and feed butterflies. Space plants 1 foot apart.

Potted plant, Certified Organically Grown

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  1. Question


    If I order and pay for these now, could I request to be delivered after June 12?

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