Plants will ship early June 🙂
Lavender, Hidcote (Lavandula angustifolia var. hidcote)plant in a 9-inch pot
Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)
Hardy to Zones 5 to 8
(Hidcote Lavender, Hidcote Blue) Dwarf variety of English Lavender to 18 inches tall, with gray-green foliage and deep violet flowers. The variety may be traced back to the famous gardens of Hidcote Castle in England. The flower color is the most intense of all the lavenders in my opinion, and the plant is also very pretty in a moon garden. Dwarf lavenders are tough contenders on the landscape and hold their own. Lavender prefers a moderate supply of nutrients, calcium in the form of oyster shell, and a well-drained soil. Mulch with sand. Plants prefer full sun and a dry to mesic, well-drained soil. Commonly grown in open fields or as landscape plants, mellowing the corners and curbs between buildings, driveways and sidewalks. They are tough to the sun and should be trimmed back in the fall to prevent large amounts of snow from accumulating on them. Space plants 2 feet apart.
Potted plant in a 9-inch pot, Certified Organically Grown
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Loretha –
How large are these plants when they are shipped out?
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Richo Cech –
Hi Loretha, Thanks for contacting. About 3 inches aerial growth. They are, after all, miniature lavenders. richo
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Michelle –
I live in Minnesota. Mid March is still snowy and cold for us. Is it ok for me to order this lavender since it ships mid March?
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Richo Cech –
Hi Michelle, Use the “customer comments” field at checkout to indicate your preferred month of shipping. Richo
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