Plants will ship early to mid April 🙂

Echinacea paradoxa potted plant, organic


Family:  Aster (Asteraceae)

Hardy to zones 4 to 8

(Yellow Coneflower)  Herbaceous perennial native to the Ozarks. This is a robust and highly adaptable Echinacea species that thrives in standard sunny garden.  Bears long-petaled yellow flowers surrounding the typical spiky conehead, the paradox being that this is a yellow purple coneflower.  Both plants and flowering heads grow very large in this ecotype.  A preferred species for show garden and apothecary.  I once gave a tour when these were in full flower.  There was snapping of cameras and oos and ahs while the Echinacea humbly bobbed its flowers and swayed in the afternoon breeze.  Space plants 2 feet apart.

Potted plant, Certified Organically Grown

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