Plants will ship early June 🙂
Dream Root, Xhosa (Silene capensis) plant, organic
Family: Pink (Caryophyllaceae)
Hardy to zones 7 to 12
(Xhosa Dream Root, White Ways, White Path, African Dream Root, African Dream Herb, Syn. Silene undulata) Low-growing herbaceous perennial 1 to 2 feet tall, native to the cape of South Africa. Softly spreading leafy rosette produces multiple stalks crowned by the pure white flower. Unlike other members of the Silene genus, the calyx is elongated and not particularly inflated. The plant is easy to grow as a wayside attraction, spreads healthily but not invasively, producing many handsome flowers that smell excellently of jasmine and clove. Traditional usage: The Xhosa people of South Africa use the plant to stimulate dreaming during shamanic episodes. Space plants 6 inches to a foot apart.
Potted plant, certified organically grown.
Out of stock
Levi (verified owner) –
I bought this later in the year and it made it through my mild So. California winter. I potted it directly to a 5 gal pot. When things warmed up it started growing a lot more and now its flowering a lot.
Photo taken in July.
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Simone Austin (verified owner) –
I just got my plant and looking at what kind of soil and NPK it may enjoy? I’ll be growing it mostly outside in a pot till about September . I live in zone 7b. Thanks in advance !
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Richo Cech –
Hello Simone, you’re in luck, just wrote the overview for xhosa in vol 2 and I quote ” The plant prefers sun to part shade and a fast-draining, fertile, dryish soil of pH 6.1 to 7.8. The plant requires regular watering for germination and early growth, becoming drought tolerant with the development of the taproot. Flowers appear in the first year and ongoing.”
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Rebecca –
Im in zone 5b and it looks like it’s coming back this year as a perennial. No special treatment, other than luck. Any suggestions for next year?
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Richo Cech –
hi rebecca, weed and mulch, they disappear easily into the weedscape, richo
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Kelly (verified owner) –
So excited to see how this grows in my garden! I received the plant within 2 days of shipping (I live in Springfield, TN) and was impressed with how well it was packaged – nestled safely inside the box! I have it in my window for now and look forward to transplanting it into a larger pot at a later date. This is the first time I’ve bought a live plant from Strictly Medicinal Seeds (I’ve only previously bought seeds from this wonderful company) and will definitely consider buying more live plants in the near future!
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Nora (verified owner) –
Hello, my live plants just arrived. What are max/min temps for Silene capensis? I live in Dallas/Ft Worth, TX. Thanks!
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Richo Cech –
they will be outdoor hardy in dalls/ft worth all year long
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Rodolfo –
It is possible to use dream root leaves in a tea? any effect?
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Richo Cech –
my experience is that the leaves are similar to the root, and tea making is pretty standard. r
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