Chicory, Wild Form (Cichorium intybus var. intybus), packet of 100 seeds, organic

(1 customer review)


Family: Aster (Asteraceae)

Hardy to Zones 3 to 7

Native to Europe, North Africa, Asia.   Herbaceous perennial flowering light blue to a height of 3 feet. Plant prefers gravel, dry waysides or waste places.  Root dug and dried as a coffee substitute.  Fresh leaves in salad are a nutrient dense bitter digestive.  Sow seed on surface fall or spring and thin to 1 foot apart.

100 seeds per packet, Certified Organically Grown

In stock

SKU: PCHICOW Categories: , , ,

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  1. One person found this helpful
    Laura M

    Thriving in Zone 10

    Laura M (verified owner)

    These wild form chicories vary quite a bit, and I enjoyed selecting my favorite plants (I liked the ones that had a leafier growth habit). All plants were quite bitter, too bitter for my palate to include in a regular salad. Perfect for using as an actual bitter before a meal, I like chewing on a leaf before lunch. Some bolted the first year, many more the second, and some are bolting for the first time now (third year). I will be sure to always have a few chicory plants tucked away here and there so they can send up their beautiful wispy flowers.

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