Bala (Sida cordifolia), packet of 20 seeds, organic
Family: Mallow (Malvacea)
Hardy to Zones 9 to 12, otherwise grown as an annual or overwintered indoors in pots.
(Country Mallow) Woody subshrub native to the main tropics on earth, especially India. Plant prefers full sun, a warm exposure, and fast draining soil. Yellow-flowered, pubescent, and many-branched plant. Traditional usage (Ayurveda): stomachic, cardiac stimulant. Source of ephedrine. Scarify seed vigorously by rubbing on medium grit sandpaper and sow in fast-draining soil in warm conditions and water moderately. Germination in 10 to 30 days, a spotty germinator that demonstrates ongoing germination for weeks. Space plants 2 feet apart, or individuate into larger pots. Excellent in potted culture, trimmed back and set on an inside windowsill, where it makes a spreading bush with glossy stems, soft leaves and bright yellow flowers giving way to the seed laden pods. Grows to 2 feet tall.
20 Seeds/pkt., Certified Organically Grown
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Tiffany Edmonds –
When will these be back in stock please?
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Richo Cech –
hi tiffany, we have large ones planted to field and are already harvesting seed. have to wait to list until we have enough to fulfill orders. it won’t be long–hit waitlist. r
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