Plants will ship early June 🙂
Aloe striata (Coral Aloe) plant, organic
Family: Asphodel (Asphodelacea)
Hardy to Zone 7 to 10. Will withstand light frost, being a very cold hardy and moisture resistant aloe. Generally grown as a potted plant indoors or on the summer patio.
(Coral Aloe) Succulent perennial native to East and West Cape Provinces in South Africa. Lovely flattened leaves broad, with candy-like pinstripes and transparent margins that catch the light. Rosette gives rise to 2 foot tall flowering spikes of coral red. Space plants 1 to 2 feet apart.
Plant in a 3-inch pot, Certified Organically Grown
In stock
Mrs. Wimberly –
Living in Michigan what will be our zone
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Richo Cech –
4 in the western Upper Peninsula and northern Lower Peninsula, to 6 in the southeast and along the Lake Michigan lakeshore.
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