Plants will ship early June 🙂

Aloe sinkatana plant, gallon size, organic


Family:  Aloe (Asphodelacea)

Hardy to Zones 9 to 10.  Generally grown indoors as a potted plant or on the summer patio.

Perennial succulent endemic to a small natural population that occurs near Sinkat in eastern Sudan, this is an IUCN red listed endangered plant.  Our nursery-grown plants are offered up to support the conservation of this very pretty Aloe.  Plant prefers part sun and should be protected from frost.  Easy in potted culture, they slowly create pups and are filled with luscious juice. Stemless clumping rosettes up to 18 inches tall, with light green leaves heavily variegated in bands of white, with margins stiff-spined but friendly to the touch, and bright red or pinkish.  Winter flowering bright yellow, the flowers attract hummingbirds.   Space plants 1 to 2 feet apart.

Certified Organically Grown gallon size potted plant will be bare-rooted for shipment

Only 7 left in stock

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