Plants will ship early June 🙂
Aloe jucunda plant, organic
Family: Asphodel (Asphodelaceae)
Hardy to Zones 10 to 12 and readily grown as a houseplant in a bright window.
Perennial clumping succulent native to Northern Somalia, flowering coral to a height of 18 inches. Aloe jucunda is one of the prettier plants on Earth, and is listed by IUCN as a critically endangered plant. Clearly, our stock is all cultivated, we couldn’t get to N Somalia even if we wanted to. The leaves are plump, recurved, and unusually glossy, as if waxed. The flowering occurs frequently, whenever the plant is happy, unless it is in the process of producing pups, which it also does with frequency. These will make very showy clusters. Water infrequently.
Potted plant certified organically grown, will be bare-rooted to ship
In stock
Willow –
Are all Aloes medicinal?
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Richo Cech –
YEs, although there are 2 species endemic to kenya that contain the coniine alkaloid, so those cannot be ingested. We don’t sell them, they are not available commercially. But just had to give you that one caveat. Otherwise, yes, the most common medicinal plant in all of africa, virtually every species is used in medicinae in one way or another, avoid hybrids, use the species plants. Check the book “Aloes of Uganda” by Thomas Cole. richo
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