Agave, Swan’s Neck (Agave attenuata), packet of 30 seeds


Family:  Asparagus (Asparagaceae)

Hardy to zones 9 to 12

(Foxtail, Lion’s Tail)  Evergreen succulent native to central west Mexico, flowering yellow to white in a thick, showy, curving raceme to 5 feet tall.  The flower shape is unique among the Agave clan, and is the most distinguishing feature of the plant.  The rosette itself is handsomely whorled, attaining a height of 2 to 3 feet.  Traditional use (TNAM): burns, skin lesions.  Plant prefers sun to part shade and a sandy, fast-draining soil.  Easy in pots.  Will size itself to the pot.  Sow the seeds in warm conditions in cactus mix or coarse, sharp sand.  Keep evenly moist and warm until germination, which takes 4 to 6 weeks.  Work up in successively larger pots.  Protect from frost.  Mature individuals may be spaced 6 feet apart on the landscape.

30 seeds per packet, open-pollinated, untreated, no gmo’s

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