Plants will ship early June 🙂

Yucca, Red (Hesperaloe parviflora), potted plant, organic


Family:  Agave (Agavaceae)

Zones 5-11.

(Red Yucca, Red-flowered Yucca, Texas Red Yucca)  Evergreen succulent with a bunching habit, native to American SW and Northern Mexico.  The plant produces a fountain of narrow leaves,grey-green, to 4 feet long, with fibrous margins.
Bright red, tubular flowers on multiple flowering stalks to 6 feet. Excellent for landscape use, especially around structures, where a deep and gravelly bed will assure good habitat for evergreen and sporadically very colorful accents. Good nectar producer.
Hummingbird attractor. The leaves contain an especially fine fibre that can be retted out and used in paper production.  Strong, resilient, and nontoxic, these fibres can be used in filtration, teabags, and also as a base fibre for recycling
short fiber papers.   Plant prefers full sun, fast draining soils and is extremely  drought tolerant.

Potted plant, Certified Organically Grown


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