Plants will ship early June 🙂

Yacon, Crystal, (Polymnia sonchifolia) in a 4 inch pot, organic


Family:  Aster (Asteraceae)

Zones 7 to 12.  May be grown in cooler zones as a summer annual–dig tubers after first frost.

Tuberous perennial native to S. America, a heavy feeder that prefers full sun and rich soil, attaining 5 feet tall and equally as wide, with multiple stalks. The secondary tubers may be dug in the fall, and they are large, weighty and productive, rich in fructose and inulin, crisp and delectable.  A traditional Andean food.  After digging the tubers, age them in a cool, dark place for a week or two before eating–they develop their sugars during this resting period, becoming internally almost crystalline.  Don’t be put off by wrinkly skin–they are delicious!  Aerial parts contain 17% protein, making them an excellent feed for livestock. The plants are bold and tough, with decorative, winged leaves, preferring full sun and regular garden soil. Plants reach maturity in 6 to 7 months, flowering bright orange.  This is a choice cultivar, crunchy and sweet.   Space plants 3 feet apart.

plant in a 4 inch pot, Certified Organically Grown

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