Plants will ship mid to late May 🙂
Willow, Golden (Salix alba vitellina) potted tree in a 9 inch pot, organic
Family: Willow (Salicaceae)
Hardy to Zones 2 to 9
Fast-growing perennial tree to 75 feet, native to Eurasia. This is a preferred type for the herbalscape. Golden willow prefers full sun and ever-moist soil (or daily watering) and will eventually tap into subterranean water if there is any, and in this way attain great size and produce volumes of life-giving shade for human and beast alike. Traditional usage (TWM): Headache and general anti-inflammatory. Source of salicin. We use golden willow shoot tea extensively in our propagation work, as it is loaded with plant hormones and works as an organic and farm-derived rooting medium. To make the tea, simply cut the branch ends from spring growth of weeping willow and put out in the sun in a bucket of water, allowing the shoots to develop roots and fill the water with growth hormones. Then use the tea to soak seeds before planting (especially recalcitrant ones) or water in cuttings so that they root more completely and faster. It really works! Its free. And its a very good reason to have willow trees around. Space trees 60 feet apart.
Potted tree, Certified Organically Grown
Only 1 left in stock
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