Viper’s Bugloss (Echium vulgare) seeds, organic (MT, WA, CANADA no)

(5 customer reviews)


Family:  Borage (Boraginacea)

Hardy to Zones 3 to 11

Herbaceous perennial, sometimes biennial,  native to Europe, the Ural Mountains, and Siberia. Growing in dry and gravelly places, this hairy-stemmed beauty bears large, bright blue, tubular flowers from summer to frost on an upright plant. This is one of the most significant bee plants in existence, due to its large pollen and nectar output, and the fact that the scorpiod inflorescence protects the flowers and prolongs availability of nectar. The nectary is not likely to be dried out by the sun, and the long blossoming cycle means bees can use this plant from mid-spring to frost. Plant is nice to look at, but not to touch-leaves and stalk armed with sharp hairs.  Traditional usage: antiseptic, coloring agent, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, snakebite. Roots contain the bright red pigment shikonin.  Flowers 2-3 feet tall. Plant prefers full sun and very fast draining, sandy or rocky soil.  Sow seed in the spring, by barely covering with sand or soil and tamping well, keeping evenly moist until germination, which takes 1 to 2 weeks.  A sandy and fast-draining potting soil works best.  Or , the seeds may be direct seeded in the garden or along the wayside by preparing a seed bed, sowing the seeds, tamping in, and allowing nature to take its course.  Thin or transplant to 1 foot apart.

Packet contains 100 seeds
1 g contains ~400 seeds
Certified Organically Grown   (not available to MT and WA States and the country of CANADA)

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  1. Elizabeth

    Free-spirited bee magnet


    Viper’s bugloss has Opinions, that’s for sure. If you need your garden to be under your control, plant penestemon instead. BUT if you’re willing to roll with it, this plant is an utter delight. I planted seeds *once* and have been watching it take a tour of my garden ever since.
    Impossible to transplant, because of the deep taproot. I let it self-seed where it will and remove any volunteers in truly annoying locations (like the middle of my yard, where it tried to “fill in” a bare spot).
    The flowers are fantastic and my bumblebees go crazy for it — well worth the mild inconvenience it presents.

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  2. One person found this helpful

    Vipers Bugloss

    Stephanie (verified owner)

    It lives up to the description. But HELP This plant needs to be described above as HUGE in the second year. It is really something and actually, for my purposes too big. I have 2 of them and not knowing how big it would get, I planted one of them in a less than optimal space, especially for all the plants it overshadows. Can somebody tell me should I trim heavily after blooming, and how to best remove and or better, can it be divided and transplanted and but when is that optimal? It is amazing, just really huge so not for small gardens. I live in Zone 5a/b in Longmont, Colorado. Thanks

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    • One person found this helpful
      Richo Cech

      Admin Richo Cech

      Hi Stephanie,
      The Viper’s bugloss is generally a short-lived perennial so it would make sense to allow a few volunteers if you want to keep it going. Being taprooted, it doesn’t divide well at all. I can think of many plants that are larger than this, but if you want to reduce its size, cut back to the crown–it will regrow and flower again–shorter.

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  3. One person found this helpful
    Melanie Gimbel

    Melanie Gimbel

    I wish this would grow as an annual for me in zone 5a, but it wants to be a biennial here. Somehow I tend to forget to plant a new batch for next year when I already have established second-year plants growing. This is the absolute favorite flower for the honeybees and bumblebees and countless other insects. I feel bad that my lack of planning means they only get to enjoy it every other year. I’m working to fix that.

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  4. 2 out of 2 people found this helpful
    Sasha Kellner

    Sasha Kellner

    I bought seed last year, in 2016, started the seeds indoors and planted out healthy transplants into a very depleted area all along the roadside between the end of my driveway and the incredibly busy road I live on. Last summer the plants really just got situated, stayed low to ground, putting their roots down and holding on despite the most serious drought year in my lifetime in Upstate New York, not growing up tall at all yet or producing any flowers. This year they were ready to show themselves more fully and have been so beautiful to watch. What was a dusty flower-less road side is now a place where bees are coming in droves for nectar, and where I hope cars will be coaxed to slow down to take in the beauty this plant offers. The color of the flower and shape of the foliage are really special. I am thankful to Strictly Medicinals for not subscribing to the very surface reading of the poor term “invasive” — if a plant is willing to provide nectar and beauty in a place made challenging by humans, I have nothing but gratitude. It’s what this plant is willing to do, for the bees sake alone I wish it was planted along the entire length of my road and not just in front of my house, but at least it’s a start!

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    • thenaekedgardener (verified owner)

      Sasha, friend
      Hope you’re still spreading beauty across our broken land, giving breathe to what other-wise call waste-land. To the true wise know that “wasteland” or abandoned is just untapped potential to be something of humble beauty if only cherished enough to flourish.. one seed, one heart.. happy planting

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    • Nora DeLuca

      I have been admiring this plant on your website for a while. I just came across it in …of all places…the Rose Garden at DuPonts Longwood Gardens in Delaware. It’s breathtaking in person. Blue/purple like a delphinium and w/ larger flowers than penstemon. It stopped us in our tracks & I will be growing it for sure now. It was meant to be. Can’t wait for visits from the “fuzzy buzzies” (bees) as my daughter calls them.

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    • Richo Cech

      Richo Cech

      Hi Nora,
      Yes, it is a shocking shade of blue and taprooted to survive a rather harsh microsite. richo

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