Uva Ursi (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi), packet of 20 seeds
Family: Heath (Ericaceae)
Hardy to Zones 4 to 8
(Bearberry, Kinnikinik) Spreading perennial evergreen groundcover. Circumpolar. The herb covers entire hillsides and has been adopted by landscapers for use in the city as a drought tolerant, glossy leaved groundcover. Does well in pots. Traditional usage (American Indian, TWM): urinary infections, smoking blends. Plant prefers acidic soils, full sun to part shade. Scarify seed vigorously on sandpaper. Fire dependent germinator. Sow in fall, spring, or summer. Space plants 1 to 2 feet apart.
20 seeds/pkt., Open Pollinated , Untreated, NO GMO’s
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Mitchell –
Yo! Do you know where in general these seeds local ecotype stem from>
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Richo Cech –
Siskiyou Mountains of Southern Oregon
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Dana –
Just wanting to be sure….you scarify and burn or just one or the other?
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Richo Cech –
Hi Dana, we recommend scarification followed by fire treatment as described in “the medicinal herb grower.”
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