Plants will ship early June 🙂

Tsuwabuki (Farfugium japonicum) potted plant, 9 inch deep pot, organic


Family:  Aster (Asteraceae)

Hardy to Zones 7-10, otherwise may be gainfully container-grown

(Green Leopard Plant, Ba-jiao-wu) Evergreen perennial native to Japan, growing and flowering to 18 inches tall, sometimes taller.  This leathery-leaved ornamental sends up wide, plate-like leaves on tall, pubescent stalks, occasionally giving rise to loose racemes of bright yellow flowers, daisy-like, strangely paired with the reptilian leaves that look like they come from the Jurassic.  Plant derives from warm coastal areas in Japan and prefers maritime or streamside culture, also growing well in open, moist woodlands.  In the US at least it does better in the Southern states.  What we have here is the wild form, not a variegated cultivar.  Traditional Japanese medicine of the peeled or unpeeled stalks:  Cough, seafood poisoning.  The plant does contain potent sesquiterpenes as well as pyrollizidine alkaloids and internal use is generally not recommended. Plant prefers moist shade to part sun, requires frequent watering, and if given rich soil and a good mulch will eventually make a luscious clump.  Space 3 feet apart.

Potted plant, 9 inch deep pot, Certified Organically Grown

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