Plants will ship early June 🙂

Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) potted plant, organic


Family: Oleaster (Eleagnaceae)

Hardy to Zones 3 to 8

(Seaberry, Sha-ji, Sand Thorn) Dioecious, spiny shrub to small tree to 20 feet tall. Dioecious means having the male and female reproductive organs borne on separate individuals.  We do suggest to plant in groups of three to help assure that male and female plants will be present. Native to temperate Europe and Asia.  The fruit juice is loaded with vitamins, amino acids and antioxidants; improves immune response. Oil of seeds is an effective sunblock.  The tree, even when young and bush-like, is excellent in hedgerows and shelterbelts.  Prefers sandy soil, part shade to sun, frequent watering.  Space 10 feet apart.

Potted plant in 5-inch deep pot, organic

Out of stock

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  1. Rachel

    Hi Richo, I live in zone 9 b I see this plant zone ends at zone 8 ~ could I grow this in a shadier / part sun area ? I have different micro climates here in the low foothills and could try and select a cooler pocket. Would love your thoughts and observations on growing this in a very dry long hot summer climate as Northern California ~ as always Thank you for your highly intelligent responses and generosity of being ~ your fan, Rachel

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    • Richo Cech

      Richo Cech

      Hi Rachel, Thanks for staying in touch. Sea buckthorn does seem to have a preference for colder zones, so choosing a cooler microsite is a good approach. I had some on a well-drained burm in full sun in Z 8 and they grew for a couple of years, then suffered and died. The same site worked extremely well for a hawthorne tree. All the best, richo

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  2. Melody

    Hello. When will this plant be available again? Thank you!

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  3. Ren

    Is this grown using organic growing methods? If not, is there a sea buckthorn that you offer that is organically-grown?

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    • Richo Cech

      Richo Cech

      All our nursery stock is organically grown, we are a certified organic and state certified nursery in southern oregon. i think sea buckthorn is out of stock and we do have plans to bring it back in stock. richo

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