Sanicle (Sanicula europaea), packet of 20 seeds
Family: Carrot (Apiaceae)
Hardy to Zones 5 to 9
(Wood Sanicle, Poolroot, Self-Heal) Herbaceous, sometimes evergreen perennial flowering to 2 feet tall, native to the woodlands of Europe. A pretty plant, especially as a bright-green, turgid rosette, it thrives best in moist woodlands where leaf mulch breaks down to form rich loam. Sanicle is a medicinal herb of long renown. The fresh leaves, bruised and applied as a poultice, are astringent and pain relieving, and will help allay infection and speed healing of cuts and bruises. They contain anti-inflammatory saponins. Historically, the tincture or tea of fresh or dried leaves was utilized as a fomentation for treating cradle cap, ulcerations, and piles, or taken internally for treating upper respiratory ailments and dysentery. Plant prefers part to full shade and moist, rich soils of woodland or shade garden. Sow seed in fall or very early spring for germination in the spring, or give 30 days cold, moist refrigeration and then sow in cool, moist shade. Sow in pots or directly in the woodland or shade garden. Space plants 2 feet apart.
20 seeds/pkt, open pollinated, untreated, NO GMO’s
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