Plants will ship early June 🙂
Sage, Pannonian (Salvia austriaca) potted plant, organic
Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)
Hardy to Zones 4 to 9
(Austrian Sage) Herbaceous perennial native to highlands of Russia and Eastern Europe, flowering white to pale yellow to a height of 3 feet–multiple upright racemes from a large, incredibly ground-hugging, highly colored, malodorous basal rosette of course leaves. Flowers in the first year and ongoing. Source of taxodione, a diterpenoic compound that has antiinflammatory and tumour reducing effects. The plant attracts and feeds bees, both native bees and honeybees. The flowers are showy and may be used in cut flower arrangements. Space plants 2 to 3 feet apart.
Potted plant, Certified Organically Grown
In stock
Mona Campbell –
Do I need to cold stratified Artemesia and SAGE seeds?
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Richo Cech –
Hello Mona, In general, no. If there is any need for cold stratification or scarification it is going to be printed right on the packet. Packet language is specific to the seed species in the packet. richo
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Donnamarie –
How would use the Pannonia sage medicinally ?
Thank you
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Richo Cech –
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Rachael –
Is this sage also one you would use for culinary purposes?
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Richo Cech –
hello rachael, no, you’re looking for garden sage (Salvia officinalis) and we have really nice ones of these available right now. richo
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