Plants will ship early June 🙂

Sage, Clary (Salvia sclarea) potted plant, organic [WA NO]


Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)

Hardy to Zones 5 to 9

(Clary Sage) Biennial or triennial native to the Mediterranean basin, the western Himalayas and central Asia. Flowers to 5 feet tall.  The purple-pink inflorescences are covered with glandules, redolent with Clary’s peculiar essential oil.  In aroma-therapy, Clary is the scent of euphoria.  Plant prefers sun to part shade and a reasonably rich garden soil.  These are first-year potted plants that may be spaced at 2 to 3 feet apart.

Potted plant, Certified Organically Grown, Not available to Washington State

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  1. Question


    Where is Clary Sage native to…?

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    • Richo Cech

      Richo Cech

      Hi Willow, Thanks for writing! (Clary Sage) Biennial or triennial native to the Mediterranean basin, the western Himalayas and central Asia. Flowers to 5 feet tall. See also page 95 of “Growing Plant Medicine Vol 2.” All the best, Richo

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