Ramps (Allium tricoccum), packet of 10 seeds
Family: Onion (Alliaceae)
Hardy to Zones 3 to 7
Clumping, bulbous perennial flowering white to 12 inches, native to the hardwood biome of eastern North America. Ramps are tasty and sweet when added to stir-fries and soups, and are also used fresh as a condiment. Given their early spring expression, they have been traditionally (TWM, Native American) used as a spring tonic, cleansing to the blood and loaded with vitamins and minerals. The plants prefer to grow in moist, loamy soil of cool woodlands or shade garden. Sow seeds in fall to early spring for germination in the spring. Do not transplant until bulbs form. The clumps may readily be divided in the spring. Space plants 8 inches apart.
10 seeds per packet, Open pollinated, Untreated, NO GMO’s
Only 3 left in stock
eva –
how do ramps do in the Pacific northwest
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Richo Cech –
hi eva, thanks for writing, They do fine, I’ve had clumps of them for years, or you can choose bear’s garlic if you prefer, that is similar and also does well. Onions, you never know how much you need them until. . . you don’t have them., richo
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thenaekedgardener –
when do you think ramps will be available again?
Thank you!
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Richo Cech –
i have a flat of 4-year-olds. request a free sample of bulbs next time you order
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