Pepper, Romanian Sweet (Capsicum annuum), packet of 20 seeds, organic


Family:  Nightshade (Solanacea)

Annual:  80 days to maturity

(Romanian Sweet Peppers)  Sweet, crunchy, yellow maturing to sunny orange, slightly elongated bell peppers on a short, squat, early bearing, and extremely prolific bush.  This is our standard sweet pepper.  Once mature, peppers are deeply aromatic, thick-fleshed, crunchy and delicious raw or cooked. We enjoy these all summer long.  Sow peppers 2 weeks before last frost and thin to 2 inches apart in the flat. Transplant out to garden after the soil has really warmed up. Space transplants 18 inches to 2 feet apart. The best compost for Peppers is higher in phosphorous than nitrogen. Kelp is well-tolerated and makes for outrageous yields.

20 Seeds/pkt., Certified Organically Grown


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