Plants will ship early June 🙂

Oregano, Common (Origanum vulgare) potted plant, organic


Family:  Mint (Lamiaceae)

Hardy to Zones 4 to 10

(Wild Marjoram, Pot Marjoram, Common Oregano) Herbaceous perennial native to Asia, Europe and North Africa.  Flowers in heady corymbs, with reddish bracts and purple corollas, to a height of 18 inches.  Not to be confused with Greek Oregano (Origanum heracleoticum) which is more intensely flavored and flowers green/white.  Traditional use (TWM): Culinary spice, flavoring agent, coloring agent, carminative and antiseptic.  Colds, flu, indigestion, free radical scavenger.  The flowering tops of this common oregano are also put into beer and ale as a flavoring and preservative.  Plant prefers full sun and mesic to dry soil.  We find that these, true to their wild name, like to escape the pretty bed and appear at will among the grasses, stones, and other microsites of our farm.  They are always welcome, as their flowers are cheery, they tend to habituate spots that do not readily support more fragile plants, and as such they never impose.  Space plants 1 foot apart.
Packet contains 100 Seeds

Potted plant, Certified Organically Grown

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  1. Question


    Im trying to order greek oregano Origanum vulgare. I was wonder if this plant is thr one im looking for. Please let me know so i can add to the order. Thank you.

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    • Richo Cech

      Richo Cech

      hi theresa, back up a bit and run a search for “Oregano, Greek” we have this both in seed and plant form. you’re on common oregano, not it. r

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    • Nadine

      Is this considered Mexican oregano?

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    • Richo Cech

      Richo Cech

      hi nadine, there are a couple of things called mexican oregano (including Lippia graveolens, in the vervain family) but this common oregano is not one of them. richo

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