Plants will ship early June 🙂

Onion, Egyptian Walking (Allium proliferum) plant, organic


Family:  Amaryllis (Amaryllidaceae)

Hardy to Zones 3 to 12

Perennial monocot producing aerial bulblets.  Known as “walking onions” because they mature to a height of 18 inches, making viable bulblets in a rosette at the apex, then spontaneously fall over, at which time the aerial bulblets take root and grow new plants.  The onions are best when consumed when young, before they become woody, and the taste is like a regular onion, or like a chive. A large chive. The aerial bulblets can also be eaten, but it is the tender, basal bulb and hollow stem that is generally most appreciated.  The plant prefers regular garden soil or rich soil, with good moisture and sun.  Walking onions are self-replicating, but the process can be augmented by dividing the top sets and replanting to a distance.  Egyptian onions are worth having around–they can provide a tasty green treat during seasons when such fare is rare.  Space them a foot apart for starters.

Potted plant, certified organically grown

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  1. 2 out of 2 people found this helpful


    Sheila Culver

    Hi, Do you sell this in see/bulb instead of a potted plant ? Thanks.

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