Plants will ship early June 🙂

Motherwort, Chinese (Leonurus japonicus) potted plant, organic


Family:  Mint (Lamiaceae)

Hardy to Zones 3 to 7, otherwise grown as an annual, 60 days to harvest

Biennial, sometimes annual flowering to 5 feet tall.  Native to Eurasia and official to the Chinese pharmacopoeia.  Traditional usage (TCM): invigorate the blood and regulate the menses.  Yi-mu-cao=Good-for-mother.  Decorative flowers on a lithe and blowsy plant.    Plant prefers part shade to full sun, regular garden soil and plenty of water. Space plants 1 to 2 feet apart.

Potted Plant, Certified Organically Grown

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  1. Diane Mark

    Hi can this grow in zone 9b?

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