Plants will ship early June 🙂

Mint, Arabian (Mentha longifolia), potted plant, organic

(1 customer review)


Family:  Mint (Lamiaceae)

Hardy to Zones 5 to 9

(Arabian Mint, Moroccan mint, Horsemint, Na’ana, Gha’gha, Habak)   Herbaceous perennial native to Europe and N. Africa. Flowers to 3 feet tall.  The leaves are downy and light green, with an excellent taste.  The flowers are large, borne on multiple stalks, and they are light blue.  Plant prefers moist soils and will thrive in sun or shade. Space 2 feet apart.

Potted plant, Certified Organically Grown

In stock

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  1. One person found this helpful

    Great performer

    Keaton (verified owner)

    I’ve had this mint for a year in my garden now, and I’m a BIG mint fan. I also have a few apple mint, chocolate mint, peppermint, and spearmint. The Arabian mint might be my favorite of all, however. Even in the Texas heat, and when I forget to water, the Arabian mint looks the best. It bounces back after dying back in winter just like all my other mints, but it grows the fastest and makes the biggest, leafiest plant out of all the mints I grow.

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