Plants will ship early June 🙂

Golden Chain Tree (Laburnum anagyroides)tree in a 9 inch pot, organic


Family:  Legume (Fabaceae)

Hardy to Zones 4 to 8

(Goldenchain Tree) Pollution-tolerant and nitrogen-fixing tree to 20 feet, flowering midspring in gorgeous, fragrant, yellow dangling clusters, to 20 feet tall, native to southern Europe.  Seeds source of insecticidal alkaloid cytisine.  All parts of the tree are potentially TOXIC–do not ingest.  The wood is valued as a substitute for ebony–it is close-grained and dark colored, used in turnery and instrument making.  This tree prospers in a sheltered position in the sun to part shade.  When cultivating in warmer zones, give shade.  When cultivating in colder zones, give sun.  The soil should be moderately rich and well-drained, although some clay is tolerated.  Space trees 15 feet apart.

Potted tree, certified organically grown

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