Plants will ship early June 🙂
Colewort (Crambe cordifolia), potted plant, organic
Family: Â Brassica (Brassicaceae)
Hardy to Zones 5 to 9
(Flowering Sea Kale, Heart-leaved Colewort, Greater Sea Kale) Herbaceous perennial flowering white to a height of 5 feet, native to Caucasia. Leaves arising from the established crown in the early spring are crinkled, reddish, tender and delicious when braised or added to stir-fries and soups. The texture is rough when raw, and when heated it loses this roughness, becomes meaty and firm, with excellent flavor that includes a hint of lemon. If left unharvested, the leaves soon increase magnificently, by midsummer giving rise to a giant, branched plume composed of small, white, fragrant flowers. Attracts and feeds bees, butterflies and other beneficials. The plant prefers full sun to part shade and does best in deep, rich soils. Space plants 3 feet apart.
potted plant, certified organically grown
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