Plants will ship early June 🙂

Celandine, Greater Potted Plant (Chelidonium majus), organic


Family:  Poppy (Papaveraceae)

Hardy to Zones 5 to 8

(Celandine Poppy; Celandine, Greater) Self-seeding herbaceous perennial. Native to Europe and temperate Asia. Traditional usage: WHM alterative to treat wasting diseases.  Acrid yellow-orange latex, most concentrated in the root, used topically against warts. Low dose botanical, do not ingest. Plant prefers the cool, moist weather of early spring and fall. Will thrive in part shade, regular garden soil to gravel. The foliage is a bit downy and blue-green, bearing bright yellow flowers that give way to upright seedpods.  Space plants 1 to 2 feet apart.

Potted plant, certified organically grown

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