Plants will ship early June 🙂

Catmint, Tuberous (Nepeta tuberosa) Potted Plant, Organic


Family:  Mint (Lamiaceae)

Hardy to Zones 5 to 10

(Spanish Catmint) Evergreen or herbaceous perennial native to the Iberian Peninsula, the island of Sicily and NW Africa.  Flowers deep violet in dense, 8-inch spikes (verticillasters) to a plant height of 30 inches.  The foliage is grey- to blue-green, wooly, pleasantly scented.  Unusual among the mints in that it produces a dahlia-like tuber that persists through the dormant period and/or drought and sends aerial parts when conditions allow.  Traditional use of dried leaf and flowers (TWM):  mild smokeable euphoric, tea herb for treating catarrh, upper-respiratory congestion.  Source of pulegone and thymol.   Plant prefers full sun and dryish, fast-draining soils.  Deer and drought-tolerant.  Attracts and feeds honeybees.  Space plants 2 feet apart

Potted Plant,  Certified Organically Grown

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