Plants will ship early June 🙂

Cactus, Princess-of-the-Night (Selenicereus pteranthus) potted plant, organic


Family:  Cactus (Cactaceaea)

Zones 10 to 12, otherwise grown as a potted plant indoors or greenhoused.  Protect from frost.

(Night-blooming Cactus, Lunar Flower, Snake Cactus) Climbing or sprawling epiphytic cactus native to Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean.  May sprawl to a great distance.  Potted specimens in our greenhouse commonly produce multiple stems to 6 feet long.  The spines do not tend to wound or detach from the plant, so handling with bare hands is usually not a problem. Pets leave them alone.   Night-flowering, white, aromatic.  Fruits globular, red, edible.  Often confused with Cactus grandiflorus, the plants are thus used interchangeably.  Traditional uses (TWM):  Low-dose botanical.  Malaria, cough, shortness of breath.  Cardiotonic.  Anxiety.  Plant prefers part shade to sun, fast-draining soil, infrequent watering.  Drought-tolerant.  Stems may be allowed to sprangle or to climb trellis, tree, or wall.  Blossoms occur on well-established individuals.  Night-blooming, the fantastic flowers begin to unfold in the evening.  By morning, exhausted.  Cultivation directions:  Pot up to a gallon of cactus mix on receipt.  Place in the greenhouse, or indoors in a light window.  Water once every 3 days during the summer, once every 3 weeks during the winter.  Water more if the plant is getting lots of light and heat.  Water less if the plant is getting only filtered light and room temperature.  Space plants 2 feet apart.

Potted plant Certified organically grown



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