Plants will ship early June 🙂
Bulbine, Natal (Bulbine natalensis) plant, organic
Family: Asphodel (Asphodelaceae)
Hardy to Zones 10 to 12, commonly grown as a potted plant, will withstand light frost
(Rooiwertel) Native to South Africa, a soft-leaved succulent, spineless, that resembles aloe. Traditional usage (S. African traditional medicine): Burns, male enhancement. Plant prefers fast-draining soil, does well in potted culture, also thrives on an indoor windowsill, and takes very little water. In outdoor culture, space plants 1 foot apart.
Potted plant, Certified Organically Grown. These are very soft-leaved and will be depotted and shipped bareroot to protect them during shipment. Repot to cactus mix upon receipt.
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