Plants will ship early June 🙂

Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) potted plant, organic

(9 customer reviews)


Family:  Figwort (Scrophulariaceae)

Hardy to Zone 8 to 12

Creeping, succulent herb native to India. Traditional use:  Ayurveda, used to sharpen the mind and stimulate the memory. Does well in pots.  The plant prefers moist, fertile soil and does not require good drainage. Partial shade and humid air are helpful, but the plant will also survive in full sun at the edge of a pond or stream. It is also possible to grow brahmi indoors in an aquarium. They thrive in the greenhouse. The plant is dark green, with a thick stem and small leaves, flowering light lavender.

Potted plant certified organically grown


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  1. One person found this helpful
    Judy Brown

    Beautiful Brahmi Plant

    Judy Brown (verified owner)

    My plant has been in a 1-gallon pot for about 10 months. We are in zone 8 in East Texas (the humid side of TX). During the summer, I have had it in the shade, due to our high heat and was watering it every other day. It struggled some in the heat so I moved it inside to an east facing window. So far, it seems great there. The runners are very long so I expect to have multiple plants very soon.
    It spent last winter in the greenhouse but I may keep it in the house this coming winter.
    It does taste bitter!! Thanks for a great plant!!

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  2. One person found this helpful
    Laura Meyer

    Very resilient! And bitter tasty!

    Laura Meyer (verified owner)

    This little guy got stuck at a shipping center and was boxed up for a week and a half before arriving in the heat of summer. Its little leaves were bleached white, and while I empathized with the poor dear, I knew that Richo stock is mighty. What happened next I couldn’t quite believe. Not only did the foliage multiply at an astounding rate, the bleached leaves regained color within a few days! From ghostly white to vibrant green! I’ve never seen anything like it. And those little white flowers are so magical. Thank you!

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  3. Richo Cech

    Richo Cech

    hi susan, feel free to order now, we will not ship until after frost, the plant is frost tender. richo

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  4. One person found this helpful

    dholling44 (verified owner)

    I bought a plant in spring of 2022. It arrived and took off in a pot without drainage. I overwintered it indoors as we have freezing temperatures at a mile high here in Arizona. This summer a beautiful vine emerged with heart shaped leaves. I have no idea what it could be but it’s quite nice. I will overwinter it again indoors and hope the vine does well also.

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  5. Question

    Shetu Dubey

    I live in Michigan, would this plant grow indoors during winter season? Also if i buy the plant how do i keep it healthy?

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    • Richo Cech

      Richo Cech

      hello shetu, brahmi (Bacopa) is fairly easy to keep through the winter as a potted plant. Repot our starter plant to a gallon size using fast-draining soil. Brahmi will take fairly frequent watering, a reasonable amount of sun, and occasional fertilization. richo

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  6. Question


    Can this plant be propagated by a cutting?

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    • 2 out of 2 people found this helpful
      Richo Cech

      Richo Cech

      hi chickee, thanks for writing. oh, so easily! every node will tend to throw roots and when this happens you can just train them down into a new pot and snip from the mother once established. r

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  7. Question


    I live in northern Nevada, zone 7a-b. What would be the best way to grow?

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  8. 2 out of 2 people found this helpful
    Les and Victoria Akre

    Excellent For Summer Outdoors in Pacific NW

    Les and Victoria Akre

    It was fantastic! Beautiful robust growth! Bought it IN for WINTER and it did VERY well just in the kitchen. Then we had a FLOOD and it got neglected. Since we used it FRESH during summer we DIDN’T dry any. So NOW we need and are ordering NEW plant’s, lol. But it WAS WONDERFUL (while we took CARE of it)! So we figured we’d TRY AGAIN. Thanks

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  9. Xochi Kao

    Healthy and hardy!

    Xochi Kao

    My three Brahmi plants purchased 3 years ago have spread out over 5 solid square feet of pots. Some have ventured into the lawn and are doing beautifully outdoors through two zone 9b winters. The ones in pots have no drainage, they are very happy in rich, swampy compost. The leaves are refreshingly bitter with a wonderful green taste. I’m so happy with these high quality plants!

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  10. :)

    Thanks, I did! It did not ask for my email, hoping that clearing my cookies does not remove me from the list?

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  11. :)

    Hi, I missed the opportunity, is it possible there are any more coming available this spring?

    Or would you recommend trying with seed at all at this point?

    Thank you

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    • Richo Cech

      Richo Cech

      Hello! I don’t think we have any brahmi seeds in stock and it is extremely difficult although not impossible to grow them from seeds. I’ll talk to the greenhouse staff about this–we normally have brahmi plants available. Hit “waitlist” and stay tuned. Brahmi is quite easy from cuttings. Richo

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  12. :)

    Hi, I am wanting to order a plant this year, but it iss still cool in my area.

    Is it better to order now to ensure I get one?

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    • Richo Cech

      Richo Cech

      Hi! Plants ordered now won’t ship until mid-may which should be perfect. Yes, I recommend ordering right away.

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  13. Question


    Would this plant servive in zone 4 in a pot?

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    • Richo Cech

      Richo Cech

      Hello Jaya,
      Yes, outside or on the patio in the summer, indoors in the winter. These go all year long outdoors in Florida. They won’t take frost.

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    • Jeff

      Hey Richo, I live in 9b FL., I found a place that my calamis does well and was thinking that brahma would grow well in the same conditions. Will bacopa trellis?

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    • Richo Cech

      Richo Cech

      Hi Jeff, I think you’re right, they will take the same warm, moist soil or pondside condiiions. Brahmi is more likely to drape than climb but you could take some of the runners and train them up if you want. richo

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  14. Question

    Kishore (verified owner)

    Hello, I am new to growing plants, and just ordered potted Brahmi. I am not sure how we can maintain a 55 F temp in the house. We set our thermostat between 70F ~ 72F. Do I need to get a miniature greenhouse urgently to grow this plant ? My plants are supposed to be arriving on Friday. Your advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you

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    • Richo Cech

      Richo Cech

      Hi Kishore, 55 degrees F is the minimum temp for tropical plants, it is not really the desired ambient temperature. Higher temps will be appreciated. I think you can repot to a gallon pot and keep in a sunny window and see how it does. I’ve kept these before in fish tanks, even. However, they really do best outdoors. Most plants are like that.

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  15. Mary

    Zone 3 - Great as a potted plant!


    Pleased, as always, with the healthy plants Richo sends, I put this one in a large planter in my greenhouse and watched it explode over the summer. It rapidly outgrew the planter and started cascading down the wall eventually producing delicate flowers. It required several “hair cuts” over the summer which were dried for medicinal use. I have found the “winter greenhouse” too cool for it (ave 40F at night), so bring it in the house and place it in a south-facing window where it happily overwinters even in our extremly low humidity. Much more tolerant and forgiving than Gotu Kola growing next to it.

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  16. Question


    I’ve never ordered plants online before, we were worried they will not survive shipment to North Phoenix. Right now we can still reach the low 100s F. I’m wondering if I should wait for cooler months to order Bacopa and Gotu Kola. What would be the optimal weather/temperature for shipping plants to our area?

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    • One person found this helpful
      Richo Cech

      Admin Richo Cech

      Well, we shipped 1,500 plants on Sep 9th and had one that experienced heat trauma in transit. Basically, don’t worry, we insulate every shipment, and you’re buying tropical plants that like lots of heat. richo

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    • etumibay02 (verified owner)

      Thank you, the plants arrived quickly and I was able to pot them within an hour they arrived at the mailbox. They are now getting acclimated to the sun bit by bit per instructions. 60Fs at night still okay for the small plants to be outdoors?

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    • One person found this helpful
      Richo Cech

      Admin Richo Cech

      Thanks, yes, Brahmi is fun to work with. Remember that tropical plants must remain above 55 degrees F to remain undamaged. r

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  17. Question


    Can I grow this in a shallow area of my pond or in the stream bed? Can it be potted and taken indoors for the winter?

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    • Richo Cech

      Admin Richo Cech

      Hi Emily,
      Bacopa is easy to grow in a whole slew of different environments. I would say mud at shore of pond would be better than IN the pond. The plant is relatively easy to pot up and bring in for the winter. This is a forgiving plant, I personally introduced it to the herbal trade in North America, and I doubt i could get rid of it if I wanted to! Richo

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