Plants will ship early June 🙂
Bidens pilosa potted plant, organic
Family:Â Aster (Asteraceae)
Annual, requiring 100 days to complete fruition
(Xian-feng-cao, Blackjack, Cobbler’s Pegs, Hairy Beggarsticks, Sticky Beaks, Farmer’s Friend) Annual weed, self-fertile, flowering rayless yellow disc, to a height of 5 feet, native to South America and introduced into warmer regions worldwide. Note should be made that contact with the fresh plant can cause photosensitivity. Wash with soap and water immediately after contact. However the plant is a good edible herb, being used as a potherb especially in Africa, and is also used in herbal medicine and veterinary medicine. Traditional uses of roots, leaves and seeds: For treating stomach woes in humans and for treating animal colic; antidysenteric; pain-relieving anodyne; antimicrobial; antimalarial; Lyme; hepatoprotective; hypotensive. Fast-growing plant prefers a sunny position in disturbed soil and may be propagated much as one would grow Mustard or Kale, in the field or garden bed. Space plants 2 to 3 feet apart.
Potted plant, certified organically grown
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