Alexanders (Smyrnium olusatrum), packet of 30 seeds


Family:  Carrot (Apiaceae)

Overwinters Zone 5 to 9.

(Pot Herb of Alexandria) Biennial native to the Mediterranean, yet hardy to more northerly zones.  Flowers yellow to a height of 4 feet.  Fleshy leaf stalks edible, on par with celery, which it resembles.  Traditional use (TWM): a mild stomachic, cleanser of the urinary apparatus, spring tonic.  In season, the herb was part of Alexander the Great’s daily diet, therefore the name.  Alexanders prefers sun and composted garden soil, regular watering. Sow in fall for germination in the winter to spring, producing edible stalks midsummer.  Otherwise, give 8 weeks moist refrigeration and sow cool.  Space plants 1 foot apart.

30 seeds per packet, open pollinated, untreated, NO GMO’s

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