Plants will ship mid to late May 🙂
Acacia, White (Acacia albida), potted tree, organic
Family:Â Legume (Fabaceae)
Hardy to zones 9 to 11, otherwise grown in potted culture and protected from hard frost
(Faidherbia albida, Apple-Ring Acacia) Nitrogen-fixing tree native to Africa, flowering cream to a height of 90 feet. Considered one of the most significant environmentally regenerative trees throughout Africa, it is used extensively in erosion control, desert rehabilitation and as a nitrogen-fixing companion plant in agricultural fields. Since the tree goes dormant and drops its leaves during the wet season, it does not shade rainy season crops. When interplanted with corn (maize) it can increase grain yields up to 3 times. The blue-green compound leaves are consumed by wild and domestic animals during the dry season. Wood used in construction, canoes and carving. The handsome grey bark is stripped for string, packing and dental floss. Traditional use (TNAM): respiratory tonic. Tree prefers sun and well-drained soils. Drought tolerant. Space 15 feet apart.
Potted tree, certified organically grown
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