Hyacinth, Tassle (Muscari comosum), packet of 20 seeds


Family: Hyacinth (Hyacinthaceae)

Hardy to Zones 4 to 8

Bulbous perennial flowering grape-purple to 18 inches, native to Europe.  Plant prefers well-drained garden soil or woodland soils in the sun to part shade.  Bulbs are a source of mucilage and a poulticing agent, edible if cooked or pickled.  Sow seeds as soon as possible after receipt.  Sow fall or spring.  Use ceramic pots filled with peaty mix to 1/2 inch below the rim, sprinkle in the seeds liberally, hold the seeds down with a 1/4 inch deep layer of sharp grit.  Germinates best in an unheated greenhouse. Do not transplant until bulbs form.  Space 6 inches apart.

20 seeds per packet

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